Institutional Review Board (IRB) research application

Review the application instructions and requirements to conduct research at Montage Health’s Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula.

IRB duties

The IRB supervises the approval and oversight responsibilities of all research studies at Community Hospital. We closely monitor studies designed to determine the safety and potential risks and benefits of promising new drugs, medical devices, and treatments. The IRB, which meets monthly to consider new trials and review in-progress trials, consists of:

  • Clinical members
  • Non-clinical members who represent the community at large

IRB mission statement

Count on the IRB to always act in a way that upholds our mission statement: “dedicated to preserving human dignity.” We will:

  • Protect the rights and welfare of all human subjects participating in research studies
  • Review studies to ensure compliance with all federal and state regulations
  • Maintain the quality of our biomedical and behavioral research and care

Research application process

Research studies and clinical trials are formally proposed to the IRB by a researcher, who may be a doctor, pharmacist, nurse, dietitian, or other professional. If you’re interested in conducting research with human subjects, you must first obtain the approval of the IRB.

Application materials and research instructions

If you are interested in applying, please call (831) 625-4553 or email the Institutional Review Board (IRB) coordinator.

Contact the IRB

Questions about conducting research or submitting your application? Call (831) 625-4553 or email the Institutional Review Board (IRB) coordinator.